Saturday, March 8, 2014

It's all so Bizarre

     Has it really been almost 2 months since I last posted? Holy cow, I'm terrible! (Apparantly I was going to get on and post at the beginning of Feb, but it never got done - whoops!) It's one of those "no news is good news things" I guess. We've been alright over here. Potiga hasn't been as successful as it was the first week(s) that we started it. Granted there was a lot more going on with teething and ear infection and immunizations and all that, but after Abigail's 9 day streak of NO SEIZURES she started having about 1 a day. That increased to 3, then to 5 then to 8. Once she got to 4-6 seizures a day I would increase the Potiga. With each increase I did notice an initial decrease in seizures back down to 2 or 3, but by the end of each week the seizures had increased again to 5 or 6, at which point I'd increase it again. I started increasing her a lot more quickly as there was just not as much seizure control as we had seen at the beginning. Towards the end I asked if (since we were so close to her max dose) could just skip the next step and go straight to her max dose, I got the okay and we've been on that dose (120mg/day) for about 2 weeks now and we are still seeing about 8 seizures/day on average - I don't know if you guys remember me being skeptical that 1mL 1 time/day of Potiga (which is where we started) would have been effective at all due to it being such a very small amount - and now she's on her max dose and i'm not seeing the same control it only makes me think it had to be a fluke.
     However, Abigail has [so far] only had 1 seizure today! That's awesome, but so crazy (well, AbiNormal) because she has around 15 yesterday, and I didn't change anything. I kid you not though, they happened so dang frequently yesterday! She had about 5 before she even woke up at 7 am. But then today she's only had 1 (that I know of) and it wasn't until like 8 o'clock this evening after a screaming episode due to pure exhaustion (she had only slept like 15 minutes all day - but she was GREAT despite that- Granted she did sleep in until like 11 this morning after waking up and going back to sleep around 7:30/7:45). Just happy and cooing and just content as can be. Now she's asleep, but I don't know if she will stay asleep all night or wake up for one more feeding later, I guess we will see. She even did well in the bath...until I got her hair wet. She used to love everything about the bath, and now it's very hit or miss with her (but mostly miss). Close to after the bath and getting dressed is when she took her little snooze so it's possible I just attempt the baths at the wrong time. Usually they are given in the evening when I know she is so tired, so that may have something to do with it - who knows. She's just spoiled and bossy - but I'm okay with that.
     I've moved Abigail up to her 'big girl car seat'. She seems to like it just fine- It's absolutely HUGE! She looks so tiny in it. But now I don't have a stroller to push her around in like I did with the snap and go infant car seat. So lately I've been having to carry her everywhere - she's just under 18 lbs - but man that gets heavy after a while! I don't have a single stroller (well, any stroller really) that packs around well and I didn't want to buy a single that would be rendered useless in a few weeks when Max comes - I really want a double umbrella stroller - that's what I really need to keep in my car to travel around with. I did end up getting a single umbrella from Walmart for 14 bucks just for the time being - it's funny to watch her in it because she 'melts' to one side, but it will work until I get the double one I've been eyeing. Abi's Physical Therapist recommended it to me as he uses it for his non-special needs kiddos, but he really likes it and thinks it would be great for Abi. Unfortunately though, the two car seats do not fit next to each other. I was really hoping that I could just fit this new car seat in the open seat and not have it affect Liv's sitting space in the car, but they don't fit, so I will have to put both car seats on the side and if we ever need to go anywhere as a family, Liv will have to squeeze in the middle between the two of them. I've looked into bigger cars, but it's just so unrealistic..maybe I will have to look into that super expensive car seat that claims you can fit three of them in the back's pricey - but A LOT less pricey than a new car! (Although I've since found the Dodge Journey and i'm pretty darn interested - but like I said, unrealistic)
   Anyway, overall Abi has been doing great despite the continued seizures. She is still overall a very content and happy baby. I've been giving her a lot of different foods including Greek yogurt and whole milk and she seems to be doing just fine with both of those too! No tummy issues (minus constipation - but I wonder if that's just from all the solids) - so that gets rid of our protein intolerance issue, thank goodness! The doc has just barely put her on pediasure as her new formula,  we'll see how she likes that, but she doesn't seem to be *too* picky with what she eats. Sometimes I mix the weirdest stuff together in her bottles and she takes it down just fine without a complaint. (I try to keep milk/yogurt together and fruits/veggies with fruit juice together - but sometimes the combination just seems odd - like bananas and white grape juice - idk - but either way she's okay with it all).
     I would be VERY okay with tomorrow being another day like today. I got her and Max's room cleaned up and organized today (which took a long time) but she just sat in there and talked to me while I was working, or hung out in the front room and chatted with her dad or 'played' with her toys. Overall, great day for Abigail.

This is AbiNormal. Thanks for reading!

Here's Abi in her new big girl car seat :)

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