Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Yesterday at the Doctor's...

     Yesterday was the first day Abi and I went for a check up that I didn't have a long list of things to ask about/need to tell him! Everything is going pretty smoothly, I think. Yes, she did have a seizure the day before our appointment, but it wasn't anything I haven't seen before..and nothing we are worried about. She weighed in at 13.11 lbs! I was really hoping for 13.5--but I guess that's close enough. She still isn't "on" the curve but she is following it, so that is a plus! Her length is 26", which moves her up from the 6th% there to the 13th% in length.  I don't remember her head circumference, but I know that it was between the 10th and 15th% percentile. So her head and length are on track, we just need to get that weight to catch up! We have been fortifying her formula for so long but it seems as if she just takes in less in each sitting to offset the calorie burst. We have started giving her pureed fruits and it looks like I am going to have to be less lazy and start pureeing them myself  (instead of buying them pre-pureed)to get the increased calorie count. I was also told coconut oil is a good, nutritious, safe way to boost calories (and good for pretty much everything else too!)
     The doctor did say two very scary words to me yesterday....he mentioned the possibility of a feeding tube down the road. It wouldn't be permanent and we aren't there yet, but if her weight stays down he would suggest that to use just as a supplementation tool to get her the calories in that she would otherwise need and won't take in orally. Oy vey. I really don't want to get to that point so I want to get her adding some good, healthy calories. He thinks (and I agree) that her head control is mostly due to her low muscle tone, however, if she could get her weight and head size to be more proportional that may help get it to stabilize a little easier. We have kinda of hit a plateau with her because of her head control. There is not much progression she can do without having a steady head. She is progressing mentally, I think, in the sense of getting a little more comfortable with the world around her, and progressing socially as well..but physically she still has some catching up to do. Her head control is definitely getting better and more stable, but we still have quite a ways to go.
     I truly believe though, that she is just the best baby. I mean, considering what she does daily she takes it all so well. She travels with me in the car 2.5-3 hours a day (sometimes more!), and she (up to this point, knock on wood) has traveled SO WELL over the mountain. I think I have had one trip where I had to stop and calm her down, other than that it's been smooth sailing..or, I guess, driving. She has multiple medications she has to take multiple times daily and she takes them down like a champ...there are always exceptions to the rule where she doesn't want anything to do with the medicine, or its not going down as smoothly as usual...but MOST of the time she just takes it right down with little to no fuss at all. She's been sleeping through the night consistently and if she is not stopped up, hungry, tired, or bored she is just a little ball of happiness..such a sweet little babykins. How did I get so lucky??

This is AbiNormal.

oh, yeah, I don't remember exactly what it was that we discussed (the doc and I) but there was something else that we figured out yesterday that Abi did that was Abnormal even for an abnormal condition like hers---but that's what makes her AbiNormal. This girl--she's truly one of a kind. ((i'm pretty sure it is those dang blue spells that no-one can figure out why they are happening, what's causing them, or why some result in seizures and others don't, even of the same magnitude.))

Oh! 2 more things-she seems to have picked up eating a little bit. She had 6oz for breakfast then 4oz 3 times since we left the babysitters house (it as my dad calls her, the abi-sitter :)). Also! The abi sitter said she had a wonderful day! She was just happy all day and even fell asleep without even fussing! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am not good at blogs! I posted a comment, then thought you might not know who it was, so I deleted it, thought I could change it kinda like facebook...but, Ohhh, no! It just tells you I deleted my comment. Sorry Angela, :) After all that, I just wanted to say she is just adorable! That picture at the bottom is just darling! I am glad she is doing so well. :) This is Elaine Bowman from Kanab, by the way. Mellissa Sheya's mom. <3

  3. You really brightened things up with my favorite color! The pictures are a great addition too,and seeings as you folks are never home, at least this way we kind of know how you're doing!
